Nov 1st 2024 our KG students wore traditional dresses and performed various activities in the classroom.

On Nov. 1 we celebrated Kerala piravi in a colourful manner. The classes of 1& 2 students performed fashion show with traditional dresses. The 6th class students explained the specialties of various districts in Kerala. Gautham T G of class 6 explained the Myths of Keralam. Principal Shiny K G Ma’am and Vice Principal Asa Mol Ma’am Greeted the students.



Our students of class 9 visited the Old age home “AASRAYAM” along with teachers on the same day. They spent time with them by singing songs and share their experiences. Also distributed the things which we collected from the students.

As A part of Rashtriya Ekta Divas Principal gave a brief explanation about national unity day and importance of national integration. Our students took pledge and participated in run for unity Programme. 435 students & all the teachers took pledge and 200 students involved in run unity programme along with teachers.

Our 11 and 12 class students visited Presentation College to see the exhibition of various subjects along with teachers.