Gurusree Public School celebrated Merit Day 2023 on July 3rd in a jubilant manner. Mohammed Shafiq IAS, Sub. Collector of Thrissur was inaugurated the function in the absence of the chief guest Sri. V R Krishna Theja IAS, Collector of Thrissur. He motivated the students by enquiring about the students aspirations or career goal. He also asked about their professional choices and most of the students replied that they wanted to become Scientist, Collectors and Sub-collectors. He was reminiscent about his school days and wished all students to achieve their career goals. He was truly an inspiring personality who instilled the young minds of Gurusree.  There was a Synegestic Interaction with the collector and students. Devika of class 11 posed a question regarding the crimes going on in the society. Collector assured that it will be attended by the Government and strict action will be taken agaist the culprits.

The reputed Collector distributed the toppers awards to the passed out students of both X and XII. He also presented appreciation certicates to the teachers who handled the classes for the 10th and 12th, 2022 batch. Mrs. Dency Thomas (Art Teacher) and her team given the special appreciation for the art work in Pre-KG classroom. The function was Presided by the   S N Mission Chairman E D Divakaran Sir and Keynote address was given by PTA President Sreejith K J Sir. A gift was given to the respected sub-collector, as a token of love from Gurusrians. The blessing messages were given by the Vice chairman of S N Mission E S Rajan Sir, Ward Councillor P N Vinayachandran Sir, Joint Secretary T G Saseendran Sir, Academic Director Mohanachandran Sir, Principal Shiny K G Ma’am and Vice Principal Asa mol K K Ma’am. The Secretary/Manager of Gurusree Public School Deepak Satyapalan Sir shared the importance of giving more Experiential Learning for the students to nurture their talents and promised that children will be enriched with more and more EL classes. He quoted the words of our former President A P J Abdul Kalam “Dream dream dream. Dreams transform into thoughts, thoughts result in action.” He also congradulated all the winners , mission members, teachers, principal,vice-principal,academic director and entire staff of Gurusree for making this event an excellent one. As a whole Merit day 2023 was really a proud moment  which will be always cherished in the minds of every Gurusrians.