Celebration of Chandrayaan-3 Successful landing
It was a proud moment to all Indians the soft landing of Chandrayaan-3 on Aug. 23rd 2023. an Indian spacecraft became the first to land on the rugged, unexplored south pole of the moon in a mission seen as crucial to lunar exploration and India’s standing as a space power, just days after a similar […]
Gurusree Public school celebrated 77th Independence day in a fabulous manner. Vice Chairman of SN Mission Rajan Sir hoisted the flag and gave message to students. Joint Secretary Saseendran Sir, Principal Shiny K G Ma’am and VicePrincipal Asa Girish Ma’am conveyed Independence day message and remembered our freedom fighters in this occasion. Participated (classes 9 […]
Symphony 2023 was inaugurated by Cine artist Mr. Sankar Raj ( films – ayisha, jackson bazar youth) on 20th July 2023 by lightening lamp. Principal Shiny K G Ma’am welcomed all of them to the colourful cultural event Symphony 2023. The programme was started by hand overing the medical aid of a child Sabarinath (suffering […]
Merit Day 2023( Inaugurated By Thrissur Sub-Collector)
Gurusree Public School celebrated Merit Day 2023 on July 3rd in a jubilant manner. Mohammed Shafiq IAS, Sub. Collector of Thrissur was inaugurated the function in the absence of the chief guest Sri. V R Krishna Theja IAS, Collector of Thrissur. He motivated the students by enquiring about the students aspirations or career goal. He […]
International Doctors’ Day
National Doctors Day is celebrated on July 1 every year to commemorate the birth and death anniversary of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, one of India’s most renowned physicians and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal. Gurusree Public School celebrated this day with a session on Dental Care by Dr. Shaji Haridas (BSc.BDS). He expalined […]
International Day Against Drug Abuse
In connection with the International Day Against Drug Abuse, a Procession was held involving teachers and the students of classess from 6 to 12 . The Muncipal Chairperson of Kodungallur Smt. Geetha T K flagged off the Procession. Academic director Mohanachandran Sir and Principal Shiny K G Ma’am were given awareness messages to the students. […]
International Yoga & Music Day Celebration
Gurusree public school celebrated International Yoga and Music Day on June 21st. Vice Chairman of S N Mission Rajan E S Sir, Academic Director Mohanachandran Sir, Secretary/Manager Deepak Sathyapalan Sir, Joint secretary Saseendran Sir , Principal Shiny K G Ma’am and Vice Principal Asamol K K, SWC president and Vice president were attended the Programme.Variety […]
Reading Day Celebration
Gurusree public school organized the Reading Day in a colourful manner. As part of reading day 19th June , the childern were already assigned with task of participating in “Donate a book campaign”initiated by CBSE Board. Students of UKG to XII classes donated different genres of books to the library. Around 85 books were collected […]
Reopening Day
The reopening day was inagurated by POCSO Fast track special court Judge Vineetha V. She gave awareness message of the influence of Social media & Internet among the children. The Vice chairman Rajan E.S Sir, Joint Secretary Saseendran Sir, Academic Director Mohanachandran Sir, Principal Shiny K G, PTA President Sreejith K J Sir, and Usha […]
KG Induction Day
INDUCTION DAY 2024 June 10th the KG induction day was carried out including plus one students. INDUCTION DAY 2023 The KG Induction Day was inaugurated on 7th June 2023. The Programme began with the prayer . The programme was inaugurated by Joint Secretary Saseendran Sir. He promised to take care of all the children […]